




   ウィリアム・ジョセフ・ケーシー CIA長官とジョージ・h・ブッシュ副大統領は、第40代レーガン大統領の机に向かって座っていた。レーガン大統領は、ソ連のチレンコ書記長のモスクワの赤の広場での葬儀がテレビ中継されるのを見つめていた。












   ここでレーガンは、「世界の平和を脅かす邪悪なロシアを倒さなければならない」と笑顔で語った。 私たちは、テロリストの無実の犠牲者とその主人の魂のために祈らなければなりません。 この悪の帝国を打ち砕き、現代に平和を取り戻す力を見つけなければならない」



   レーガンはうなずいて会議を終えた。 机の上に目を向けると、何やら書類を探し始めた。 この時点では、後継者に引き継ぐ前にできるだけ多くの仕事をこなしておきたいと考えていたようだ。

   その後の4年間は、彼にとってはあっという間だった。 彼は娘のパティのことを考えた。 彼女は大丈夫でしたか? 今、彼女は何をしているのだろう。 彼は、彼女が「少し乱暴」だという噂を聞いていたが、彼女が神のもとに戻る道を見つけたことを願っていた。 彼はそう願っていた。



   彼は、アフガニスタン情勢報告書を取り出して読んだ。その頃、ブッシュ・シニアは、キャシーに見守られながら去っていた。 レーガンはそれを読み返して閉じ、「資金を増やすことはできないか? 私たちは、悪の帝国の軍隊がアフガニスタンでイスラムの聖戦士たちの安定した流れに直面することを望んでいます。 あと5年戦争を続けてもいいから、ソビエトを潰してくれ」






































   レーガン大統領とブッシュ大統領は, パレードに対する国民の見方は弱さの表れであるにもかかわらず, これはソ連の指導者たちが世界の他の地域で起こっている変化にどう対処していいかわからないことを示していると口をそろえた。









   彼らは, 世界中の共産主義者の中からより多くの協力者を見つけ, ソ連がアフガニスタンで血を流し続けるようにすることで合意した。










   「社会主義のキューバは、ニカラグアのオルテガ政権を助けようとしているんじゃないのか? そして、彼らをゆっくりと低強度の戦争に巻き込み、血を流して死なせようとしている。サンディノ主義者は公平だ」とレーガンは言った。








   [chapter:The Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985/ Chapter 2: The United States of America: The World Police]


   March 13, 1985

   Inside the Office of the President, White House, United States of America


   CIA Director William Joseph Casey and U.S. Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush sit at the desk of the 40th U.S. President Reagan, who stares at the televised funeral of Soviet General Secretary Chernenko in Moscow\\u0027s Red Square.

   \\"Another communist thug is dead, and who is the new general secretary of the evil empire?\\"

   Casey answered his question, \\"Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov, former First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee; our intelligence reports indicate this man was a hard-line communist and completed the production program year after year during his leadership of Leningrad.\\"


   Reagan nods in approval, not having heard of the name before.

   \\"With Chernenko passing, the balance of power has changed once again. The next four years are going to be very interesting,\\" he says.

   Casey agrees although he\\u0027s more concerned with the transfer of power from the dying hands of Josef Stalin to a still unproven operator in the mold of Mikhail Gorbachev.


   Still, the certainty of the U.S.S.R.\\u0027s impending collapse is what has kept him employed for the past 24 years, and he doubts if he\\u0027ll outlive it by much longer.


   At this point, Reagan smiled and said, \\"We must defeat the evil Russia that threatens the peace of the world. We must pray for the souls of the innocent victims of the terrorists and their masters. We must find the strength to crush this evil empire and restore peace in our time.\\"


   \\"I\\u0027ll be praying with you, Mr. President,\\" Casey responded.

   Reagan nods and ends the meeting. His eyes turn to his desk and he begins to shuffle some papers. At this point, it seems he wants to get as much work done as possible before his successor takes over.

   The next four years are a blur to him. He thought of his daughter, Patti. Was she doing okay? What was she doing now? He hears a few rumors that she\\u0027s \\"a little wild\\", but he hopes she\\u0027s found her way back to God. He hopes.

   He thinks back to his wife and how she suffered so he could do his job properly.

   He took out the Afghanistan situation report to read, by now Bush Sr. had left with only Casey watching him. Reagan read it over and closed it and asked, \\"Can you increase the funding? We want the Evil Empire\\u0027s military to face an endless supply of Islamic jihadists in Afghanistan. Crush the Soviets there, even if we have to sustain a war there for five more years.\\"

   \\"It\\u0027ll be done,it\\u0027ll be done, and you can count on me,\\" Casey responds.

   \\"Make sure you do, because it\\u0027s going to be one big meat grinder, and we want to make sure the American people know that their sons and daughters are going to be dying for a cause worthwhile.\\"

   \\"It\\u0027ll be done, We will continue to raise and train Islamic jihadists in Pakistan and China to enter Afghanistan. We\\u0027ll have them kill Soviets by the thousands. By the time the Soviets realize what\\u0027s going on, it\\u0027ll be too late. We\\u0027ve prepared for this for years in case such a situation happened.\\"


   \\"We\\u0027re doing the right thing,\\" he says.

   \\"I know we are,\\" he responds.

   The days pass and his job goes on whether the U.S.S.R. collapses from the inside out or the outside in. His job goes on whether the world\\u0027s attention is focused on Libya or South Africa. His job goes on whether he lives or dies: the fate of freedom is at stake.

   April 6, 1985.

   While President Jaafar Mohamed al-Nimeiri was visiting the United States, Sudanese Commander-in-Chief and Minister of Defense Abdul Rahman al-Suwar al-Dahab staged an April coup to overthrow al-Nimeiri and establish the Transitional Military Council and assume the chairmanship, shifting foreign relations to Libya and the Soviet Union.

   On April 22, 1985, Brazil ended the military government and established a new republican period.

   May 5, 1985

   Seven Afghan Sunni mujahideen groups united in Pakistan to form the Mujahideen Islamic League (commonly known as the Seven Party League) , led by the Afghanistan Conqueror, Ahmad Shah Massoud. The League took advantage of the fact that the majority of military forces and government bodies were in South Afghanistan to form a regional government in the region.

   On May 9, the Soviet Union held a military parade to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet Union\\u0027s victory in the Patriotic War, and President Reagan and Vice President George H.W. Bush Sr. watched the broadcast as White House staffers.


   \\"Some members of the Communist Party\\u0027s Politburo, including Gorbachev, Ryzhkov and the like, were not present at the parade, and probably the political struggle forfeited their rights.\\"


   Reagan smiled at this and said, \\"Time for another great purge of the Evil Empire? Time for another round of purges, like a year ago?\\"

   \\"Something like that,\\" Bush responded.


   Reagan and Bush agreed that while the public opinion of the parade was a sign of weakness, in reality it showed that the Soviet leadership was not sure how to react to the changes going on in the rest of world.

   The U.S. bullying of Third World Nations would lead to the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in a few years and the end of the Cold War.

   \\"We need to continue the economic and technological blockade of the evil Soviet empire while it bleeds slowly in Afghanistan. To snuff out the pro-Soviet communists globally. They\\u0027re the main enemy of freedom,\\" said Reagan.

   \\"I\\u0027m with you,\\" said Bush.

   They agreed to seek out more collaborators among the communist parties around the world and to make sure that the U.S.S.R. continues to bleed in Afghanistan.

   On the domestic front, the U.S.A. needed to continue the religious right\\u0027s economic and social policies and the public opinion in favor of the policies.

   Bush said, \\"We should sanction the white apartheid regime in South Africa and continue to aid Iraq against Iran in the Iran-Iraq war, while heavily assisting anti-Soviet groups within the Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe and anti-communists in Africa. Now that Somalia\\u0027s Barre regime is mired in civil war, we can exert influence to gain access to the Horn of Africa port routes.\\"

   On the less pleasant side, they decided to attack Cuba again since it continued to give shelter to dissidents and fugitives from American justice, and because a weakened Cuba would be unable to assist the communists in Central America.

   \\"Isn\\u0027t socialist Cuba helping the Ortega regime in Nicaragua? Then let them slowly sink into a low-intensity war to bleed them dry. The Sandinistas are fair enough,\\" said Reagan.

   \\"But Cuba is also helping to keep the Nicaraguan communist regime afloat.\\" said Bush.

   \\"It\\u0027s nothing, they will always fail just like the evil empire. God bless us, the bell of the free people will finally ring in the Kremlin.\\"

   \\"Let\\u0027s hope so, my friend.\\"


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